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Thomas b.1803 John b.1805 William b.1808 Elizabeth b.1811 Mary b.1813
Richardson b.1815 Martha b.1817 Jane b.1819 Caleb b.1821 Edmund b.1825

James Crompton 1807-1896

James Crompton 3rd child of Thomas Richardson Crompton and Martha Hyde
b.12jan1807                  1807info1a Life of James - 2kB gif
c.15jan1807 Bridlington
d.20mar1896 Sculcoates Union (Hull Workhouse)
m.11mar1837 at Bishop Burton                          
|                       1807info1b The children of James and Fanny - 2kB gif
Frances (fanny) Harper 
c.25sep1815  Auburn, Holderness
Thomas       William      James        Martha       Mary         John         Sarah                1807info1c The early life of Frances Harper - 2kB gif
edmund       richardson   botterill    ann          frances      harper       dorsey     
b.05may1839  b...apr1841  b.4thQt1844  b.18mar1847  b.03jun1850  b.07may1852  b.01jun1854
c......1839  c.18apr1841  c.03nov1844  c.18apr1847  c.           c.           c.28jun1854
d.24mar1896  d.04jun1860  d.26nov1869  d.23mar1867  d...dec1940  d.2ndQt1935  d.2ndQt1915
|            ***********  | *********  |            |            |            |
To Thomas Crompton's line - 1kB gif To Martha Crompton's line - 1kB gif To Mary Frances Crompton's line - 1kB gif John Harper's line - 1kB gif To Sarah Dorsea Crompton's line - 1kB gif  

cr1807, sheet 2a
To Thomas Edmund's Line

Thomas edmund first child of James and Fanny                           1807info2a The life of Thomas Edmund - 2kB gif
Mary louisa Moore
|                                                                                  1807info2b Children of Thomas and Mary - 2kB gif
|               Children born Preston, Hull except Edmond
Edmond       Agnes        Julia        Arthur       Albert       Walter
thomas       louisa                                 james        james         1807info2c The life of Albert and Maria - 2kB gif
b.10jul1869  b.29apr1871  b.16jul1873  b.20sep1874  b.10oct1876  b.19apr1880
c.31jul1870  c.           c.           c.           c.           c.
d.27apr1909  d......1954  d.13oct1873  d.26sep1951  d.26dec1929  d.23jul1880       
  at Lund    |              *********  |            |              *********
  *********  m.2ndQt1893               m.15apr1907  m.4thQt1908
             |                         |            |                        
             George william            Jane         Maria
             Lund                      Watts        Kemp                     
             b.31aug1866               b.11dec1878  b.10dec1879
             d......1937               d.06jun1969  d.21mar1948
             |                         |              *********
  To Agnes Louisa Crompton's line - 1kB gif To Arthur Crompton's line - 1kB gif  

cr1807, sheet 2b
Aganes Louisa Lund's banner - 10kB gif
Agnes louisa Crompton
d.26jun1959 in Sydney
|                                                          1807info2c The life of Agnes Louisa Lund - 2kB gif
George william Lund ===== step brother ===== Frank Jackson 
c.03oct1866                                  b.--sep1884
d......1937                                  d.31oct1940
Annie crompton  William (Bill)  Clarissa     Fred  
b.3rdQt1894     b.4thQt1896     b.25feb1900  b.19jun1902  
c.12sep1894     c.14oct1896     c.13mar1900  c.13jul1902
d.3rdQt1907     d.....+1987     d.1stQt1900  d.27nov1966
  *********     |                 *********  |
                m......1922                  m.06aug1925 .......................... m2.24jan1931
                |                            |                                      | 
                Helen marie (Nellie)         Hilda May                              Mary E (Molly)
                Easton                       Donovan                                Reeves
                b.                           b......1902                            b......1907
                d.....+1987                  d.04apr1926                            d.26jun1967
                |                            |                                      |
   |============|=======||                   |=======||             |===============|========||
   Joan         Ken                          Doreen hilda crompton  Robyn margaret  Richard frederick
   b.....~1913  b.                           b.30mar1926            b.26mar1938     b.10jan1950
   d.           d.                           d.26oct2008            d.              d.
   |            |                            |                      |               |
   m.           m.                           m......1946            m.              m......1972
   |            |                            |                      |               |
   Alan         Jean                         Roy elvine             Michael ovid    Marie-Rose
   Guest                                     Scrivener              Stormon         Droulers
   b.           b.                           b.04dec1923            b.31mar1938     b.25jun1950
   d.           d.                           d.10jan2004            d.              d. 
   |            |                            |                      |              
   |            |========||                  |========|=======||    |===============|============|============|========||
   |            Elizabeth jane               Peter    Glenys        Michael oswald  Katrina      Virginia     John
   |            b.10feb....                  b.       b.            b.28apr1963     b.24jul1964  b.11feb1968  b.04apr1974
   |                                         |        |             |               |            |            |
cr1807, sheet 2b cont
   |                                                  |             |               |            |            |
   |                                                  m.            m.              m.10jun1993  p.           m.
   |                                                  |             |               |            |            |
   |                                                  |             |               |            |            |
   |                                                  Graeme        Jane            Peter        James        Vanessa
   |                                                  Hubbard       Francis         Capelin      Baker        Piniero
   |                                                  |             |               ********     ********     ********
   |============|============|========||              |=======||    |============|============|========||
   John         Jan          William                  Madeline      Francesca    William      Eliza
                                                                    b.22sep1999  b.04feb2003  b.23mar2005
cr1807, sheet 2c
Richard and Marie-Rose Lund's line
Stephen anthony  Fiona Mary
b.11nov1974      b.13jun1985
Charlie richard  Olivia      Isaac
b.20oct2005      b.05aug2009 b......2016
Isaac daryl

cr1807, sheet 3a
To Arthur's Line

Arthur Crompton fourth child of Thomas edmond and Mary louisa Crompton 
1807info3b Jane Watts1807info3a Arthur and Jane Watts - 2kB gif
Jane Watts 
b.11dec18781807info3d Eva Watts
Edmond            Bessie             arthur            Geoffrey
thomas (Ted)      |                  Donald (Don)      (Geoff)       1807Info3e Geoffrey Crompton's later life1807info3g Geoffrey Crompton's war Part 3 Settle - 2kB gif 1807info3g Geoffrey Crompton's war Part 2 Ceylon- 2kB gif1807info3f Geoffrey Crompton's war Part 1 Singapore - 2kB gif1807Info3e Geoffrey Crompton's life
b.24feb1908       b.08aug1910        b.20jun1912       b.06nov1913
d.19dec1997       d.14oct1996        d.08may1997       d.15aug2002
|    Ottawa       |                  |                 |
m.13dec1945       m.13oct1934        m.11dec1938       m.19jan1946
|                 |                  |                 |              
Bessie kathleen   William (Bill)     Dorothy M.        Joan
Bradley           thomas Beckwith    Jaggard           Pitts         
b.08mar1905       b.06jan1911        b.30apr1902       b.26dec1923
d.04jan1997       d.24apr1994        d...jul1994       d.22nov2016
  *********       |                  |                 |
                  |                  |                 |
     |============|=========||       |==========||     |==================|========|| 
     Peter james  Jennifer           anthony John      Richard            Janet
     richardson   anne eliz.         (adopted)         geoffrey           |    
     b.31dec1935  b.22mar1938        b.10apr1946       b.26jun1947        b.30apr1951
     d.30sep2004  d.                 d.                d.                 d.
     |            |                  |                 |                  |
     m.29jul1961  m.30sep1961        m.31oct1965       m.07aug1971        m.21dec1971....p.
     |            |                  |                 |                  |              |       
     Margaret e.  Michael d.g.       Pauline           Catherine mary     David          Dominic
     Hooper       Taylor             James             Smith (Kate)       Parsons        Johnson
     b......1938  b.07jul1933        b.                b.09jun1949        b.04apr1945    b......1962
     d.           d.29jan2006        div.              d.                 div.15feb1986
  To Peter Beckwith's line - 1kB gif To Jennifer Beckwith's line - 1kB gif To John Crompton's line - 1kB gif To Richard Crompton's line - 1kB gif To Janet Crompton's line - 1kB gif
cr1807, sheet 3b

Peter james richardson Beckwith 1st child of Bessie Crompton and William (Bill) thomas Beckwith
b.31dec1935  Hackney    1b 422
d.30sep2004  East Devon 18a 410/1A
Margaret elizabeth Hooper  
b...feb1938 now in New Zealand
|          Beckwith line
Caroline                  Sally
louise                    michelle   
b.03apr1964               b.04apr1966 in Wembley now in New Zealand
d.                        d.
|                         |
m.31dec1992 Las Vegas     m...mar1991
div                       |
|                         |          
Stacey g.                 Bruce murray
Orlofski                  Weston     
b......1961               b.24jun1966 Cardiff now in New Zealand
d.                        d.
  **********              |
                          Laura        Emma         Rachel
                          amy          courtney                  
                          b.25dec1994  b.03jan1997  b.03jan2001 

cr1807, sheet 3c

Jennifer anne elizabeth Beckwith 2nd child of Bessie Crompton and William (Bill) thomas Beckwith
b.22mar1938  Hackney 1b 510
m.30sep1961  Wembley 5f 572
Michael david g. Taylor  
d.29jan2006   Torbay B96A  422/1B
|         Taylor line
Joanne elizabeth           Samantha jane             
b...aug1962                b...feb1965         
d.                         d.
|                          |
m...sep2003                p.
|                          |           
Andrew Christoper          Simon Matthew     
Adderley                   Davies       
b.26dec1954                b...mar1958
d/03feb2015                d.              
                           Rhiannon     India           
                           mai          kim        
                           b...feb1995  b...aug1998

cr1807, sheet 3d

anthony John Crompton adopted child of arthur Donald (Don) Crompton and Dorothy Jaggard  
m.31oct1965  Honiton Registry Office  ...........................................m2.10nov1975 ......... m3...mar2001
div....1975                                                                      div.....1994           |
|                                                  Children of first marriage    |                      |
Pauline j.                                            ||========|========|.......Josephine (Josie)      Jacqui Crompton
James                                                 Rebecca   Jason            jane Styan née Anstee  Chiltern 327 141
b.1stQt1947  Sidford, Sidmouth  Honiton 7a 646        |         |                b.03apr1941            b.
d.                                                    +         +                d.                     d.
|             Josie mother/stepmother to seven        |         |                |
Donald        Christopher     Jennifer                   Richard                 John karl 
john          john            margaret                   john                    (Koz)  
b.26dec1965   b.4thQt1966     b.1stQt1968                b.15may1969             b.2ndQt1975
d.            d.              d.                         d......2010             d.
|               *********     |                          |                       |
|.............m.02dec2000     m...feb1987                p1. ....... p2.         p.
              |               div....1993                |           |           |
p.............Yvonne Lacey    Antony d Plumridge (Tony)  |           | Unknown   Claire Winearles
|             b.1stQt1972     b.3rdQt1964                | Unknown   | mother    b......1975 
|   Stepson   d.              |                          | mother    | died      |
|============//===========||  |============|=========||  |==========//=======||  |============|============|========||
Scott crompton                Stephen      Katie          Aubrey ?  Ashley       Nancy        Darcy        Frank 
Milan                                                               Robertson    josephine    doris        rossinni
b......1993    b......2000    b......1987  b.......1989   b.        b......1992  b......2005  b......2007  b......2012

cr1807, sheet 3e

Richard geoffrey Crompton 1st child of Geoffrey (Geoff) Crompton and Joan Pitts
Catherine mary (Kate) Smith 
|        Crompton line
Dr James thomas                    Sarah victoria
b.12oct1977                        b.16sep1980
d.                                 d.  
|                                  |
m.15jul2011 Santorini              m.02jul2011
|                                  div.06oct2023  
|                                  |                                  
Renee Mills .....                  James corin Mills
b.13aug1978     |                  b.11jul1981  
d.              |                  d.
  *********     |                  |
                |=========         |============|========||  
                Tenaye Mills       Harriet      Edith         
                                   caitlin      charlotte       
                b.07aug1998        b.12apr2013  b.22mar2016

cr1807, sheet 3f
Janet Crompton 2nd child of Geoffrey (Geoff) Crompton and Joan Pitts
m.21dec1971  .......div.15feb1986 ...................... P.
|                                                        |        
David                                                    Dominic
Parsons                                                  Johnson  
b.04apr1945                                              b......1962
d.                                                       d.
|                                                          *********          
Robert                       Bryony
andrew                       jane                
b.28dec1975                  b.14dec1978
d.                           d.
|                            |
m.21aug2010                  p.
|                            |          
Louise Somerscale            Giles Wilcox   
b.11oct1979                  b.14oct1973
d.                           d.
|                            |
|============|=============  |============|============|=========||
May          Jessica         Caleb        Felix        Milo 
emily        grace           henry        elliot       james           
b.21jul2011  b.01feb2017     b.24jun2000  b.20mar2006  b.25feb2012     
                             Ayres (ex-Mattinson by deed pole)
                             Sofia elizabeth ellen

cr1807, sheet 4
To Martha Ann's Line
Martha ann fourth child of James and Fanny 1807info4a Mary ann Crompton and Robert Sissons - 2kB gif
d.11jan1883 at Hutton
Martha        Herbert       Arthur       
elizabeth     |             |
b.1stQt1871   b.3rdQt1872   b.4thQt1873
d.            d.4thQt1918   d.4thQt1942

One infant son and two infant daughters are buried with Martha ann and Elizabeth in Hutton.

cr1807, sheet 5a
To Mary Frances' Line
Mary frances fifth child of James and Fanny  1807info5a Mary Frances Tait - 2kB gif
|........... m.4thQt1875
|            |
|            |============|...
|            Henry
|            Tate
|            b.3rdQt1849
|            d.2ndQt1888
|            |
|========||  |============|============|============|============|============|=========||
Thomas       Charles      George       John         Fanny        mary ellen   Henry 
Crompton     henry                     james        isabella     Nellie                   
b.3rdQt1871  b.14oct1876  b.04nov1878  b.09oct1880  b.4thQt1882  b.04aug1884  b.01jun1886
d.1stQt1884  d...mar1957  d.4thQt1951  d.05oct1952  d.3rdQt1891  d.15dec1972  d.4thQt1951
  *********  |            |            |              *********  |            |
             m.2ndQt1928  m.4thQt1899  m.2ndQt1905               m.2ndQt1918  m.18dec1909
             |            |            |                         |            |           
             Dorothy G    Eliza        Annie eliza               George       Minnie Kate 
             Bell         Lindsay      Hunter                    Cuthbert     Marshall
             b.18oct1903  b.29nov1881  b.23feb1882               b.20dec1882  b.24aug1885
             d...sep2005  d.3rdQt194   d...mar1943               d.1stQt1965  d.30sep1965
                          |            |                         |            |
                          |            |                         |=========|| |
                          |            |                         Eric         |
                          |            |                         b.19jun1919  |
                          |            |                                      |
                          |            |============|============|=========|| |=========||
                          |            Frank        Henry        Albert       Sylvia
                          |            b.31dec1906  b.18feb1909  b...dec1910  b.03nov1910
                          |            d.07nov1979  d...aug1995               d...aug2003
                          |            |            |                         |
                          |            m.2ndQt1945  m.4thQt1943               m.4thQt1933
                          |            |            |                         | 
                          |            Winifred     Mary                      Charles S
                          |            Hancock      Douglas                   Ashton   
                          |            b.           b.3rdQt1905               b.28apr1908
cr1807, sheet 5b
                          |            d.           d.                        d.4thQt1974
                          |                                                   |                 
|============|============|============|============|===========|=========||  |============|=========||
Lillian      Harry        Albert       Harold       Minne E     George edw     Redacted     John Michael
b.01jun1899  b.05sep1902  b.20nov1903  b.27may1905  b.3rdQt1907 b...may1911                 b.21oct36
d...jun1967  d...sep1966  d.20dec1982  d.2ndQt1983  d.2ndQt1951                             d.
|            |            |            |            |
m.3rdQt1919  m.2ndQt1928  m.3rdQt1925  m.3rdQt1928  m.3rdQt1929
|            |            |            |            |           
Richard J    Margaret     Gertrude     Ivy Isabell  Levi Andrew 
Ward         Wright       Botterill    Turnbull     Sandall     
b.20jan1893  b.18oct1906  b.120ct03    b.18sep06    b.31mar1895
d.23aug1956  d...jun1992  d.1stQt1989  d.4thQt1994  d.2ndQt1977
|            |            |            |            |
|=========|| |            |            |            |============|============|=========||
Lillian JM   |            |            |            Redacted     Redacted     Kenneth A
b.14dec20    |            |            |                                      b.07jan32
d...jul2004  |            |            |                                      d.1stQt1958
|            |            |            |
m.3rdQt1946  |            |            |
|            |            |            |============|=========||
Charles C    |            |            George W     Redacted    
Prudames     |            |               
b.27mar1916  |            |            b.20may32
d.+2007      |            |
             |            |============|============|=========|=========||
             |            Maurice      Redacted     Redacted  Mary 
             |            b.24aug1925                         b.23apr32
             |            d.                                  d.
             Redacted     Redacted     Redacted     Redacted

cr1807, sheet 6a
To Sarah dorsey's Line - 11kB gif
Sarah dorsey seventh child of James and Fanny1807info6a Sarah Crompton/Linsley - 2kB gif
Frederick       james        Elizabeth    Frances
                Arthur       ann (Lily)   may         
b.04oct1874     b.3rdQt1876  b.18mar1878  b.22may1892
d.1stQt1948     d.3rdQt1907  d.2ndQt1942  d.2ndQt1953
|                 *********  |              *********
m.3rdQt1902                  m.4thQt1907
|                            |                        
Maria blanche                Allen
Redman                       Bebbington               
b.07jun1876                  b.17feb1881
d.2ndQt1953                  d.1stQt1956
|                              *********
|=========||                                        1807info6b Stanley Frederick Linsley - 2kB gif
Venerable Stanley frederick    
m.1stQt1930 .......... m2.10apr1950
|                      |
Marjorie vera b Peake  Joan ivy Mulliner
b.1stQt1902            b.28feb1921
d.3rdQt1949            d.28nov1999
cr1807, sheet 6b
John lamplugh                                        Marjorie blanche lamplugh    
b.26feb1951                                          b.05sep1952
|                                                    |
m.11oct1975                                          m.18apr1979
|                                                    |
Margo jeanette                                       Peter john
Skirkie                                              Comeau
b.                                                   b.
|                                                    | 
|============|============|============|=========||  |===============|=========||
Graeme       Chad         David        Andrew        Laura eliz.     Rachel sarah
lamplugh     lamplugh     lamplugh     lamplugh      lamplugh        lamplugh     
b.           b.           b.           b.            b.04jul1984     b.19dec1985
m.25sep1999  m.16jul2005
|            |
Karen Tastad Charmaine Lam
Benjamin     Emma         Norah
lamplug      tastad       tastad      
b.28mar2000  b.31jul2001  b.04jun2004 

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To Thomas Richardson Crompton
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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version H48
11 April 2024