1807 Info 6a: James Crompton
His daughter, Sarah

Sarah Dorsey [Dosea] CROMPTON

1854 Birth in Sub-district of Bridlington in the County of York
No When and
where born
Name Sex Name of
Name of
of father
Signature of
445 First June
St John Street
Sarah Girl James
Shepherd Twenty

Sarah's birth was registered at Bridlington (GRO ref: Bridlington 9d 267). where she was baptised on 28 June 1854. Her GRO marriage and the 1911 census record her second name as Dorsey - Dosea has been recorded. Such second name generally indicates a parents or family surname, but there is no known connection to:

Source: IGI v.4/5     Type:  FC female christening                Batch:
Ann Dorsey   Robert Dorsey/Susanna  19jun1794 Great Driffield     C108953 

Sarah's marriage to Henry LINSLEY

Whilst working as a domestic in East Lutton (14 miles / 22km north-west of Driffield) Sarah met Henry LINSLEY, a journeyman joiner from East Lutton. However, the family remember Sarah's surname as Lindsley. This has caused some confusion in the Enumerator transcription.

1871 Census Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG10
             Piece: 4809; Folio: 61; Page: 7;  Sched: 1  
Dwelling:    Farm House
Place:       East Lutton, York, England

Name               Rel   Mar  Age  Occupation           Birthplace
Robert Dennis      Head   M    27  Farmer of 280 acres  Yorks, Pickering Marshes 
Mary Dennis        Wife   M    24                       Yorks, Sledmere
Sarah Crompton     Serv   U    17  Domestic servant     Yorks, Bridlington
Robert Trowsdale   Serv   U    18  Farm servant         Yorks, Sherburn
Allanson Miller    Serv   U    15  Farm servant         Yorks, Knapton

Henry was born in the first quarter of 1849. (GRO ref: Driffield 23 57)

1871 Census Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG10
             Piece: 4809; Folio: 66; Page: 17;  Sched: 25
Dwelling:    Cottage [before Ewbanks Row]
Place:       West Lutton, York, England

Name                 Rel   Mar  Age  Occupation                 Birthplace
George Ewbank        Head   M   47   Joiner emply. 3 men 1 boy  Yorks, Sledmere
Jane Ewbank          Wife   M   50                              Yorks, West Lutton
William Tennum       Serv   U   30   Joiner journeyman          Yorks, Sinnington
Henry Linsley        Serv   U   22   Joiner journeyman          Yorks, East Lutton
William Scalby       Serv   U   38   Joiner journeyman          Yorks, Wold Newton
George Danby Turner  Serv   U   18   Joiner apprentice          Yorks, Bolton 
Tamar Addison        Serv   U   14   Domestic servant           Yorks, West Lutton
1807info6a, sheet 2
0kB jpg Left: An aerial view showing the close proximity of Sarah and Henry' s residence and place of work in East and West Lutton

They married in the fourth quarter of 1873, in Driffield area (GRO ref: Driffield 9d 637) and had four children:

Source: GRO Births
Linsley Frederick       4th Quarter 1875  Driffield  vol. 9d page 288
Linsley James Arthur    3rd Quarter 1876  Driffield  vol. 9d page 319  
Linsley Elizabeth Ann   2nd Quarter 1878  Driffield  vol. 9d page 330 
Linsley Frances may     2nd Quarter 1892  Driffield  vol. 9d page 357
1881 Census   Sun/Mon 2/3rd April 1881
Source:       FHL Film 1342157 PRO Ref RG11
              Piece 4794 Folio 101 Page 22  Sched: 128
Dwelling:     Coppergate
Place:        Nafferton, York, England

Name               Rel  Mar Age Sex Occupation  Birthplace
Henry Linsley      Head  M   32  M  Joiner      East Lutton
Sarah D Linsley    Wife  M   25  F              Bridlington
Frederick Linsley  Son        6  M  Scholar     Nafferton
James Linsley      Son        4  M  Scholar     Nafferton
Elizabeth Linsley  Dau        3  F              Nafferton
1891 Census   Sun/Mon 5/6th April 1891
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG12
              Piece: 3955; Folio 86; Page 22; Sched: 138
Dwelling:     Coppergate
Place:        Nafferton, York, England

Name                   Rel Mar Age Occupation           Employer    Birthplace
Henry Linsley         Head  M  43  Carpenter                        Yorks, East Lutton
Sarah Linsley         Wife  M  37                                   Yorks, Bridlington
Frederick Linsley     Son      16  Carpenter/painter                Yorks, Nafferton
James Arthur Linsley  Son      14  Scholar                          Yorks, Nafferton
Elizabeth Ann Linsley Dau      13  Scholar                          Yorks, Nafferton
1807info6a, sheet 3
Right: Coppergate, Nafferton in 2010 from the Nethergate end 37kB jpg
1901 Census   Sun/Mon 31st March/1st April 1901
Source:       FHL Film  PRO Ref RG13
              Piece 4518 Folio 42 Page 8  Sched: 57
Dwelling:     Middle Street
Place:        Nafferton, York ER, England

Name                Rel   Mar Age Occupation      Status      Birthplace
Henry Linsley       Head   M   51 Joiner Carp.    Worker      Yorks, East Lutton
Sarah Linsley       Wife   M   46                             Yorks, Bridlington
Frederick Linsley   Son    S   26 Coach painter   Worker      Yorks, Nafferton
Elizabeth A Linsley Dau    S   23 Dressmaker      Own account Yorks, Nafferton
                                  working at home
Frances M Linsley   Dau         8                             Yorks, Nafferton
31kB jpg Left: Middle Street Nafferton 2008, along which Sarah lived
1807info6c, sheet 4
Right: A map locating Coppergate, Middle Street and the church in Nafferton 1911 - scale 1:10 560 88kB gif

Sarah as a widow

Henry died in the first quarter of 1908 in Hull (GRO ref: Hull 9d  181) aged 58, leaving Sarah a widow. The 1911 census shows that she became a housekeeper in the same Driffield Street where her son Frederick lived (qv).

1911 Census:           Sun/Mon 2nd April/3rd April 1911
Source:   TNA Ref:        RG14 PN28864 
          Reg. Gen. Ref:  RG78 PN1659 RD525  En.Dist: 9 Sched: 56
          RegDist: Driffield SubDist: Driffield
Dwelling: 62 Middle Street,            
Place:    Great Driffield, East Yorkshire
Rooms in dwelling, other than scullery, landing, lobby, closet, bathroom: 7
Years married:         
Children:              Alive , dead none 

Name                      Rel  Age Mar  Occupation            Status  Birthplace 
Reginald Valentine Perry  Head  58  S   Brewers agent         Worker  Bucks, Marlow
Sarah Dorsey Linsley      Serv  57 Wid  Housekeeper                   Yorks, Bridlington
1807info6a, sheet 5
Right: 62 Middle Street North, Driffield 2010 where Sarah Dorsey LINSLEY was house keeper. Note the warehouse type buildings at the rear: a possible brewery 46kB jpg

A Sarah Dorsey LINSLEY died in the second quarter of 1915 in Hull (GRO ref: Hull 9d 334) aged 61, suggesting she returned to the location where her husband died.

1807info6a, sheet 6

Frederick LINSLEY - Sarah and Henry's first child

Frederick LINSLEY was born in the fourth quarter of 1874 (GRO ref: Driffield 9d 288). He started his working life as a carpenter/painter and eventual specialised as a coach painter. By 1911 he had combined these skills to become a highly skilled man.

In the third quarter of 1902 he married Maria Blanche REDMAN (GRO ref: Driffield 9d 590) , though at birth Maria Blanch was registered as READMAN (GRO ref: Scarborough 9d 352).

The 1911 census confirms that, in their eight year marriage, they had only one child.

1911 Census:           Sun/Mon 2nd April/3rd April 1911
Source:   TNA Ref:        RG14 PN28868  
          Reg. Gen. Ref:  RG78 PN1659  En.Dist: 13 Sched: 10 
          RegDist: Driffield SubDist: Driffield
Dwelling: 33 Middle Street North              
Place:    Driffield, East Yorkshire              
Rooms in dwelling, other than scullery, landing, lobby, closet, bathroom: 7
Years married:  8       
Children:       Alive 1, dead none 

Name                       Rel  Age Mar Occupation             Status  Birthplace 
Frederick Linsley	   Head  36  M  Coach builder, chiefly Worker  Yorks, Driffield
                                        repairs and painting
Maria Blanche Linsley      Wife  34  M                                 Yorks, Scarborough
Stanley Frederick Linsley  Son    7                                    Yorks, Driffield
Right: A 1911 map locating Middle Street North, Driffield, scale 1:10 560

Number 62, where Sarah was house keeper, is the northern circle and the approximate position of number 33 is to the south.
72kB gif
1807info6a, sheet 7
1921 Census:      Sun 19th June 1921
Source:   RG15;  Piece: ; 
          RegDist number: 525; SubDist: 2; ED 12; Sched: 55;
          Reg District:  Driffield;  Parish: Great Driffield
Dwelling: 33 Middle Street North         
Place:    Driffield, Yorkshire East Riding 
Rooms:    7               
Children under sixteen: none 

Name                       Rel  Age   Mar  Occupation   Employer  Work place  Birthplace 
                               Yrs Mn      
Frederick Linsley         Head 47  8   M   Coach Builder Employer  At home    Yorks, Nafferton 
Maria Blanche Linsley     Wife 48      M   Home Duties                        Yorks, Scarborough
Stanley Frederick Linsley  Son 17  8   S   At home                            Yorks, Driffield
1939 England and Wales Register 29 September 1939
ED Area code:     JBD
ED District code: C
Sched no:         134   
Dwelling: 33 Middle Street North, Nafferton  
Borough, UD or RD: Driffield, East Yorkshire

Names           Sex  D of B  Status  Personal Occupation          Others
Linsley Fredk    M   04oct74   M     Coach and Motor Body Builder
Linsley Maria B  F   07jun76   M     Unpaid domestic duties

Names are redacted because of the 100 years rule.
The National Identity Number devised from this Registration would have been: Enumeration Area code+Emuneration District code+Schedule number+position in house

Right: The approximate position of 33 Middle Street North, Driffield in 2010. Judging the position, in the modern rebuild, is difficult because of the lack of numbers. Higher numbers appear to be towards the centre of the town. 40kB jpg

Frederick died in the first quarter of 1948 (GRO ref: Buckrose 2a 33). From 1937 Buckrose was the registration district for the old Bridlington, Driffield and Pocklington districts.

Maria died in the second quarter of 1953 (GRO ref: Ryedale 1b 723) Ryedale was the 1936 registration district for Helmsley, Malton and Pickering districts.

Their son, Stanley Frederick, also died in the same registration district in 1974. The Venerable Stanley Frederick LINSLEY has his own page

1807info6a, sheet 8

James Arthur LINSLEY, known as Arthur - Sarah and Henry's second child

Arthur LINSLEY was born in the third quarter of 1876. (GRO ref: Driffield 9d 319)

1901 Census   Sun/Mon 31st March/1st April 1901
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG13
              Piece 4528 Folio 11 Page 13 Sched 80                     
Dwelling:     Reynolds Street
Place:        Filey, York ER, England

Name               Rel  Mar Age Occupation              Status    Birthplace
Tom Weatherhoss    Head  M  30  Saddle & harness maker  Employer  Lincs, Willoughton
                                at home                                                         
Eliza Weatherhoss  Wife  M  26                                    Yorks, Kippax
Sissy Prentis      Niece S  15                                    Yorks, Castleford
Arthur Linsley     Serv  S  24  Assistant harness maker  Worker   Yorks, Nafferton
Source: GRO Deaths
Linsley  James Arthur  30  3rd Quarter 1907   Scarborough  vol. 9d page 211

1807info6a, sheet 9

Elizabeth Ann LINSLEY - Sarah and Henry's third child

Maggie BOOTE daughter of John Harper CROMPTON, James' youngest son, told of visiting Lily BEBBINGTON [Elizabeth LINSLEY] who owned a drapers shop in Nafferton and was married to Allen BEBBINGTON, Nafferton's post master. Allen BEBBINGTON was born in Waverton, Cheshire, in the first quarter of 1881. (GRO ref: Chester 8a 384) It is assumed he moved to Nafferton to take over the shop and sub- post office.

Right: The building that was Nafferton Post Office 2010 - see map and reference to bay window
42kB jpg
Source: GRO Marriages
Linsley Elizabeth Ann     4th Quarter 1907  Driffield  vol. 9d page 751 
Bebbington Allen          4th Quarter 1907  Driffield  vol. 9d page 751
1911 Census:           Sun/Mon 2nd April/3rd April 1911
Source:   TNA Ref:        RG14 PN28859  
          Reg. Gen. Ref:  RG78 PN1659  En.Dist: 4 Sched: 67a 
          RegDist: Driffield SubDist: Driffield
Dwelling: High Street             
Place:    Nafferton, East Yorkshire              
Rooms in dwelling, other than scullery, landing, lobby, closet, bathroom: 5
Years married:         
Children:              Alive 0, dead none 

Name                Rel  Age Mar Occupation               Status      Birthplace 
Allen Bebbington    Head  30  M  Grocer, sub postmaster   Own account Cheshire, Waverton
Elizabeth Ann       Wife  33  M  Assisting in the business            Yorks, Nafferton
Frances May Linsley S-i-l 18  S  Draper's assistant                   Yorks, Nafferton

Nafferton Post Office from the 1910 Valuation Survey

'The Valuation Survey 1910-15 was made for tax administration following the 1910 budget. They show the use and value of lands and buildings in Edwardian England and Wales. ... [It was] aimed to ensuring that private landowners should pay part of the increase in land values that was attributable not to their own labour and efforts for improvements but to expenditure by the State - for example the provision of improved roads, drainage and other public services. ... The 1910 Act provided for the levying of a number of duties on land, the principal one being called increment value duty. This was levied at the rate of 20% on any increase in the site value of land between the time of its initial valuation as at 30 April 1909 and the occasion of its sale or other transfer.' ... Many land owners won legal challenges the Act until it 'was repealed by the Finance Act 1920. The valuation survey had cost two million pounds, not a fraction of which was recovered.' Source: Beech and Mitchell, 'Maps for Family and Local History', The National Archives, Kew, 2004, page 36.

1807info6a, sheet 9
Alan BEBBINGTON was the freehold owner and occupier of the house, shop and garden of an unknown extent in High Street Nafferton. The building was described as a brick and slate roof construction comprising of a shop, room, kitchen, four bedrooms and a store. Outside was a brick and tile washhouse and closet, stable and coach house. The premise were in fairly good repair. However, the wooden coal shed was 'almost down'. In total repairs were estimated at £1:10:0 (One pound ten shillings or £1.50).

The Gross Value of the property was £300 being the annual value of £16:10:0 (£16.50) less the value of the repairs multiplied by 25 years. The site value, void of structures and things growing, was £45.

Right: 1910 Valuation Survey showing Nafferton Post Office
46kB jpg

Text Source : The National Archives (TNA) IR 58/73922/189 Field Book for Harpham
Map source: TNA 1911 Valuation Survey map ER CLX155 Ref: IR/10/631

1921 Census:      Sun 19th June 1921
Source:   RG15;  Piece: ; 
          RegDist number: 525; SubDist: 2; ED 4; Sched: 69;
          Reg District:  Driffield;  Parish:
Dwelling: [Post Office] High Street             
Place:    Nafferton, Yorkshire East Riding     
Rooms:    7           
Children under sixteen: none 

Name                  Rel    Age  Mar Occupation              Employer           Work place            Birthplace 
                           Yrs Mn      
Allen Bebbington      Head 40  4   M  Subpostmaster & Grocer  Postmaster General At Home               Cheshire, Waverton 
Eliz. Ann Bebbibgton  Wife 43  3   M  Home Duties                                                      Yorks, Nafferton
Frances May Linsley  S-i-L 29  1   S  Retail Drapers Asst     Wm Shaw            Cross Hill Driffield  Yorks, Nafferton
1939 England and Wales Register 29 September 1939
ED Area code:     JCF
ED District code: O
Sched no:    115
Dwelling:    High Street, Post Office, Nafferton
Borough, UD or RD: Driffield, East Yorkshire

Names                   Sex  D of B  Status  Personal Occupation            Others
Bebbington Allen         M  17feb81    M     Subpostmaster. General stores  ARP Warden
Bebbington Elizabeth A   F  19mar78    M     Unpaid domestic duties
Linsley Frances May      F  22may92    S     Retail drapes

Their deaths

Source: GRO Death
Bebbington Elizabeth Ann  2nd Quarter 1943  Buckrose  9d 63  
Bebbington Allen          1st Quarter 1956  Buckrose  2a 40 
                                         (Buckrose succeeded Driffield in 1937)

Frances May LINSLEY - Sarah and Henry's fourth child

Frances May was born on 22 May 1892 (1939 Register/GRO ref: Driffield 9d 357). She died, still unmarried, in the second quarter of 1953 aged 60 (GRO ref: Buckrose 2a 3).

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Updated 29 March 2024