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Thomas b.1803 John b.1805 James b.1807 William b.1808 Elizabeth b.1811
Mary b.1813 Richardson b.1815 Martha b.1817 Caleb b.1821 Edmund b.1825

Jane Crompton / Pears 1819-1859 - 4kB gif
 Jane Crompton 10th child of Thomas Richardson Crompton and Martha Hyde
 b.04may1819 Nafferton       1817info1 Jane Crompton - 2kB jpg
 c.25may1819 Nafferton
 d.4thQt1859 Driffield 9d 181
 Abraham swift Pears
 b.                          1819info2 Pears line - 2kB jpg
 c.05feb1814 North Newbald
 |============|============|============|============|========||1817info3 Jane Crompton - 2kB jpg
 John         Caleb        Thomas       Edmund       James
 swift        crompton     richardson                       
 c.02aug1840  c.23apr1844  c.21may1844  c.16jan1846  c.15sep1848
 d.1stQt1865  d.4thQt1910  d.3rdQt1889  d......1861  d.3rdQt1857
   *********  |            |                           *********
              m.....~1861  m.2ndQt1864                      
              |            |            
              Elizabeth    Henrietta
              Johnson      Davison  
              b.1stQt1840  b.3rdQt1840
              d.4thQt1895  d.4thQt1897
              |            |
              |            |============|=========||
              |            Christiana   Alice ann
              |            b.02sep1866  b.07apr1877
              |            d...jan1958  d.....+1939
              |            |              *********
              |            m.3rdQt1887
              |            |
              |            John 
              |            Welsh
              |            |
              |            b.....~1855
              |            d.4thQt1937
              |              *********
cr1819, sheet 2
              |                      children all christened Scarborough
 Elizabeth    Esther       Edmund       Christiana      Mary         Emma                                    John            Alice
 Johnson      jane         johnson      crompton        elizabeth    l                                       swift           agnes
 b.....~1862  b.03aug1866  b.1stQt1868  b.25dec1871     b.4thQt1872  b.2ndQt1876                             b......1878     b.4thQt1879
 d......1881  d.1stQt1942  d.1stQt1923  d.3rdQt1941     d.....+1911  d......1901                             d......1963     d.2ndQt1881
              |              ********   |               |            |                                       |                 *********
              m.2ndQt1889               m.4thQt1892     m.3rdQt1891  m.4thQt1894                             m.4thQt1899
              |                         |               |            |                                       |
              James                     Arthur henry    Joseph west  John                                    Annie elizabeth
              Atkinson                  Ebdon           Delly        Rawling                                 Burrell     
              b.2ndQt1868               b......1873     b......1865                                          b.11may1880
              d.+1911-1939              d.28jul1930     d.....+1911                                          d......1952
              |                         |               |                                                    |
              |                         |  |============|============|============|============|=========||  |
              |                         |  Florence     Joseph       Emma         Edith        Miriam        |
              |                         |  b......1882  b......1895  b......1899  b......1900  b...sep1900   |
              |                         |                                                                    |
              |          |==============|===============|=============|============|=========||              |===============|=======================|=========||
              |          Albert edward  Emma elizabeth  George henry  James        Joseph                    Walter bernard  Alice maud   Marjorie
              |          b...mar1901    b.15jun1903     b.21nov1905   b...mar1911  b.29jan1917               b.....~1904     b...mar1911  b.29aug1913
              |          d.21nov1904    d.22dec1955     d.2ndQt1954   d.3rdQt1911  d.3rdQt1978               d......1976     d.16nov1990  d......1984
              |            *********    |                 *********     *********    *********               |               |            |
              |                         m.4thQt1923                                                          m.25dec1929     m.           m.11apr1933
              |                         |                                                                    |               |            |
              |                         James                                                                Hannah jane     George s     Philip jerry
              |                         Warburton                                                            Rankin          Mitcham      Rosenberg
              |                         b.                                                                   b.30oct1909     b......1908  b.02apr1912 Poland
              |                         d.....-1939                                                          d.24nov1991     d......1974  d.08may1999
              |                                                                                              |               |            |   
              |===========|============|============|============|============|=========||                   | |=============|=========|| |=========||
              Eliza p     Mary e       Emma l       James a      Ada          Ernest                         | Margaret      Alice        Doreen elizabeth alice    
              b.....1888  b......1892  b......1893  b.02mar1900  b......1904  b...feb1911                    | b......1907   b......1912  b.28jun1933
                                                                                                             |                            d.06sep2018
                                                                                                             |                            |
                                                                                                             |                            m.
                                                                                    |=============|=========||                            |
                                                                                    John douglas  Kenneth                                 James
                                                                                    b.19apr1930   b.12dec1931
                                                                                    d.12mar1996   d...feb2001
                                                                                    Ruth may

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version C14
Updated 26 May 2024